Our Dream…

Our Dream…

This information booklet is about domestic violence and the law in NSW. It is designed primarily for Aboriginal women but may also be a useful resource for non-Aboriginal service providers.

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Indigenous Women’s Legal Program Wallet Card

Indigenous Women’s Legal Program Wallet Card

This is a folding card with contact details and numbers for Women’s Legal Service NSW Indigenous Women’s Legal Program.

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Is This Love?

Is This Love?

A resource made for young women about healthy and unhealthy relationships. Also available in a version for young Aboriginal women.

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Burrendong Report

Burrendong Report

Partnerships, Prevention and Rural Action III is a report from a Conference on Child Sexual Assault in Aboriginal Communities held between 15–19 October 2007 at the Sport and Recreation Centre, Lake Burrendong, Wellington.

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Our Silence is Abusing Our Kids

Our Silence is Abusing Our Kids

Unique and innovative stories about Aboriginal women working locally to stop child sexual assault. Jointly produced by Dympna House and Women’s Legal Service NSW, the booklet contains interviews with community women and Aboriginal workers about their own efforts in their communities to protect children and support young people. Also contains vital information about child sexual assault.

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