Coercive Control

The new Coercive Control Laws come into effect in NSW from 1st July 2024.

To assist the community with understanding what the legislation is and how it will impact the sexual, domestic and family violence sector, we have compiled these useful resources.

Ask Lois Webinars, broadcast by Women’s Legal Service NSW

NSW Government Microsite – public awareness campaign: Coercive control | NSW Government

Legal Aid NSW – Training resources for all lawyers on the coercive control reforms. Some modules also for community workers (3 modules, including podcasts): Coercive control (

Face-to-face training developed by DCJ and the Centre for Community Welfare Training: Coercive Control – Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies Limited (

DVNSW will be releasing podcasts about coercive control from July 2024 which will be available on podcast streaming sites including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and podcast apps.

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